
Social and Cultural Studies Concentration

Social and Cultural Studies explores the relationships among social relations, cultural practice, and economic, historical, and political contexts. Classes in this concentration emphasize interdisciplinary, multicultural, and multimedia approaches to learning about dynamic cultural and historical interactions. Students will complete this concentration with a better sense of how to read and interpret the meanings of historical documents, literary works, popular culture texts, and various forms of visual, aural, and material culture. Concentrators will become more historically aware and sensitive to ways that their own identities and cultural assumptions are shaped by constructed meanings of race, gender, sexuality, age, national identity, and ethnicity, and will develop strategies that will allow them to analyze and contextualize a wide range of world events, texts, and issues. In sum, this concentration draws on insights from an array of disciplines to examine constructed meanings and practices of everyday life.

Sponsored by: Arts and Humanities Division and History and Society Division

Faculty Contact: Sandra Graham

Concentration Coursework


Students must take a total of four (4) courses from the list below to complete this .

At least two (2) courses must be from the Advanced level. No more than two (2) courses can be from the same discipline (i.e. have the same 3-letter designation).

Note: Any foreign language course numbered 2200 or above qualifies for the SCS.