HUM4608: Phil,race&rev in the Euro-Modern World

Credits 4.00

HUM 4608: Philosophy, Race and Revolution in the Euro-Modern World

4 advanced liberal arts credits

This course will explore efforts by philosophers to respond to the contradictions of Euro-modern society, the political phenomenon of race being primary among them. Doing so will require an examination of how some human beings have sought to reform unjust social and political milieus. Though we will also ask whether such efforts are sufficient. Such questioning demands, among other things, study of more radical efforts at social change, including those of revolutionary political activity. In addition to philosophers’ contributions to such projects, our course will also examine how writers, artists, and even scientists have responded to the ongoing colonization of our knowledge, political sphere, and civil society, particularly by forces seeking to profit from the transformation of some human beings into the damned of the earth. Our goal as a class will be to reflect on how we might conceptualize and take up our responsibilities in such a world.

Prerequisites: Any combinations of 2 intermediate liberal arts (HSS, LTA, CSP)

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