Reapplying to Babson

Applicants who are not admitted as first-year students are encouraged to apply as a transfer  applicant. Eligible transfer applicants need to have completed at least one semester of study before  the transfer application deadline. 

Reapplication Process and Materials 

All students applying for transfer admission are required to submit the following materials: 

  • Completed transfer application 
  • Official transcripts (both a college transcript and a final high school transcript) 
  • The College Official's Report 
  • Letter of recommendation from a college professor 
  • New essays 
  • Mid-semester grade report 
  • Application fee 

Please check with us to see if we still have your official test scores on file; if we do, you do not need  to resubmit them. Babson College holds records for two years. If you applied more than two years  ago, you must resubmit all required application materials. 

Applicants who were not offered admission or chose not to enroll at Babson and have not enrolled  at another postsecondary institution may also reapply for admission. Students should send a letter  or e-mail indicating their intent to reapply and verifying that we still have your previous application  materials. Students should also submit new essays and a new letter of recommendation.