Homeschool Applicants

At Babson College, we realize that families have varied reasons for choosing to homeschool their  children. We value all educational learning plans, but also need to be certain that each admitted  student is fully prepared for the rigors of Babson's curriculum. Therefore, homeschooled students  who wish to apply to Babson must meet certain eligibility requirements. 


All applicants must be qualified to study at the post-secondary level. To qualify, a student must have  one or more of the following: 

  • A high school diploma 
  • The recognized equivalent of a high school diploma, typically a General Education  Development (GED) certificate 
  • A completed secondary homeschool program (with state completion credential, if  applicable*) 

* Though homeschooled students are not considered to have a high school diploma or equivalent,  they are eligible to apply to Babson if their secondary school education was in a home school that  state law treats as a home or private school. Some states issue a secondary school completion  credential to homeschooled students. If this is the case in the state where the student was  homeschooled he/she must obtain this credential in order to enroll. 

If the student's state does not issue a secondary school completion credential, a student may  request that a portfolio of their work be reviewed by the Admission Committee. The Committee  will review the credentials in the context of our selective application pool with regard to our  expectations of adequate secondary school preparedness. 

College Requirements for Homeschoolers and Suggestions 

In addition to all first-year applicant requirements, homeschooled students must submit the  following additional required documents: 

  • All applicants must complete the home-school-supplement 
  • All applicants must submit an additional letter of recommendation from a non-family  member 

While tests in addition to the SAT or ACT are not required, homeschooled students are strongly  encouraged to take additional standardized tests to be evaluated in conjunction with their home  school program. Suggested exams may include SAT subject tests, Advanced Placement (AP), or  International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations. Additional coursework taken at a college or university may also be submitted. Because Babson receives applications from students in varied  curriculums worldwide, homeschooled students who choose to submit additional credentials may  position themselves more favorably in our highly competitive application pool. Students who  choose not to submit extra credentials will not be penalized in the evaluation process. However, the  more information we have when reviewing a student’s file, the more confidence we may have in the  student’s potential for success at the college level.