Senior-Led Seminars

The spring semester of your senior year is your chance to share your passion for academic topics outside of the standard undergraduate curriculum. Babson’s hugely popular Senior-Led Seminar program, one of the most exciting collegiate academic opportunities out there, will give you the opportunity to teach and share your knowledge on a topic that holds special meaning for you. Past seminar topics have ranged from navigating responsible adulthood to appreciating and understanding memes and popular culture.

Senior-led seminars are free, non-credit, and meet the first five weeks of the spring semester.

Upon successful completion of a seminar, students enrolled in a seminar receive a passing grade, and the course appears on their transcript. Students can register for the seminars via Workday as a student.

Email Rob Major, Director, Undergraduate Administration, for more information.

Spring 2024 Semester

Tentative Dates: January 23–February 28, 2024

Title: First Impressions: How to Present Your Best Self
Course Number: SEN 1344
Instructor: Nairi Enright
Day/Time: Tuesdays 6:309 p.m.

Have you felt the pressure of having to make a first impression? Have you spent hours recounting your conversation with someone and wishing you could have presented yourself differently? If these two experiences resonate with you, this seminar will prove useful to you and help you gain invaluable skills for communicating with others for the first time. In this course, we will explore the qualities that make a strong first impression in a variety of settings, from interviews to networking events to casual social outings. We will use case studies based on real-life scenarios. Students will practice using effective conversation strategies and reflect on their own interactions in order to feel comfortable and confident as communicators.


Title: Coming of Age Narratives: The Art of TV, Film, and Popular Culture
Course Number: SEN 1345
Instructor: Kristina Dang
Day/Time: Tuesdays 6:309 p.m.

This seminar will explore the genre of coming-of-age TV shows with themes such as love and sex, gender, substance use, wealth and class, and generational trauma. We will watch shows such as Degrassi, Euphoria, Gossip Girl, Glee, and One Tree Hill. Through engaging lectures and interactive discussions, students will be able to contextualize the TV shows they watch. Additionally, students will contribute to conversations by sharing TV shows they enjoy. By the end of the course, we will have a profound appreciation for the art of visual storytelling and depiction of real-life experiences in pop culture.


Title: Exercise Science: A Journey of Self-Improvement, Both Inside and Outside of the Gym
Course Number: SEN 1346
Instructor: Jack Shangold CPT
Day/Time: Wednesdays 6:309 p.m.

Exercise science’s applications don’t cease to exist when you leave the gym. They live with you during every step and bite you take. This class will not only analyze how to change your body, but also how to change your mindset outside the gym. Topics that will be covered include, but are not limited to, behavior change, nutrition, hypertrophy and strength training principles, injury prevention and rehab, and how to create a career in the fitness industry.