Graduation Requirements


For students who matriculated prior to Fall 2021, the following degree requirements and policies apply: 

To be eligible for the Bachelor of Science degree, a student must meet the following criteria: 

  • Satisfactorily complete a minimum of 130 credit hours of work; 
  • Earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0; 
  • Complete the content of 65 credits in liberal arts; 
  • Satisfactorily complete all specific degree requirements; and 
  • Not have any missing or incomplete grades. 

Transfer students will follow the curriculum into which they were admitted, regardless of matriculation date. Students take both management and liberal arts courses at the foundation, intermediate and advanced levels. 
The foundation program consists of 40 credits*: 

  • 25 foundation liberal arts credits and 15 foundation management credits* 

The intermediate program consists of 42 credits: 

  • 24 intermediate liberal arts credits and 18 core management credits 

The advanced program consists of 48 credits: 

  • 16 advanced liberal arts credits, 16 credits of further advanced-level work, 12 credits of free elective, and a 4 credit capstone course, ASM3300 

Note: Up to 8 credits of intermediate liberal arts coursework beyond the required 24 credits may count toward the advanced liberal arts requirement. The total number of credits of intermediate liberal arts coursework designated as advanced liberal arts must be equal to, or fewer than, 8 credits. For example, if a student took three 4-credit intermediate liberal arts courses beyond the required 24 credits, only two of those courses [8 credits] could count toward the advanced liberal arts requirement. 

*Students who matriculate into the undergraduate program in the 2020-2021 academic year will earn an additional foundation management credit through the FME1000 course that may be applied toward the Free Elective credit requirement. 

Normal progression through the curriculum is defined as 16–18 credits per semester. However, Babson students in good academic standing are permitted to enroll in up to 20 credits at Babson’s standard flat tuition rate. 

Please see the Course Underloads and Overloads section of this handbook for more information on this policy. 

To be considered a full-time student, the minimum credit threshold during a fall or spring semester is 12 credits. 

Though required to take a minimum of 130 credits to graduate, students may take up to 156 credits. Students may earn those credits through classes at Babson College or through cross-registration, Babson-approved education abroad, and/or off-campus course work (up to 12 approved credits). The maximum credit total does not count coursework taken prior to enrolling at Babson (including AP/IB and transfer credit). Once students enroll at Babson (signified by the submission of an enrollment deposit), students must take all courses at Babson or through a Babson-approved program or approved off-campus course work. 

Students may transfer a maximum of 65 credits toward their Babson degree. While enrolled at Babson, transfer students may take as many credits as are needed to complete the requirements of the Babson curriculum. 

Incoming transfer students may elect to enroll in classes at Babson during the summer or winter session immediately preceding their initial semester. Credits and grades for courses taken in a Babson summer or winter session will count toward degree requirements and in the calculation of a student’s grade point average. A student’s matriculation date will not change regardless of enrollment in summer or winter session courses 

Students have full responsibility for knowing and understanding all degree requirements and enrolling in the correct classes in order to progress through the curriculum. Students can find a list of curriculum and degree requirements on the Academic Progress tab in the Academics section of their profile in Workday. 

International students with F-1/J-1 immigration status who wish to enroll in course work at a school other than Babson College (except during the annual summer vacation) should consult with an international student adviser in the Glavin Office to review eligibility for concurrent enrollment. 

Any interruption in a student’s tenure may result in limited availability of required courses or in those courses no longer being offered. If Babson no longer offers a required course, the College will make reasonable accommodations to provide a substitution. Reasonable accommodations may include course substitution, independent study opportunities, and/or permission to take the course off-campus for credit at the student’s expense. Any students who experience a voluntary or involuntary interruption in their tenure at Babson should make immediate contact with their Student Success Advisor to ensure proper planning. 

Students have three years from the originally expected graduation date to complete their Babson degree (typically, a total of 7 years from matriculation to graduation). Exceptions to this time frame must be approved by the Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Undergraduate School, or his/her designee, and are typically granted only for compelling circumstances or situations outside of the student’s control. 

For students who matriculate Fall 2021 and thereafter, the following degree requirements and policies apply: 

To be eligible for the Bachelor of Science degree, a student must meet the following criteria: 

  • Satisfactorily complete a minimum of 128 credit hours of work; 
  • Earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0; 
  • Satisfactorily complete all specific degree requirements; and 
  • Not have any missing or incomplete grades. 

Transfer students will follow the curriculum into which they were admitted, regardless of matriculation date. 

Note: Up to 8 additional credits of intermediate liberal arts coursework (defined as HSS20xx, CVA20xx, LVA20xx courses) may count toward the advanced liberal arts requirement. The total number of credits of intermediate liberal arts coursework designated as advanced liberal arts must be equal to, or fewer than, 8 credits. For example, if a student took three 4-credit intermediate liberal arts courses beyond the required 12 credits of HSS, LVA, and CVA coursework, only two of those courses [8 credits] could count toward the advanced liberal arts requirement. 

Normal progression through the curriculum is defined as 16–18 credits per semester. However, Babson students in good academic standing are permitted to enroll in up to 20 credits (students will be charged tuition on a per credit basis when they are enrolled above 18 credits). Please see the Tuition Policies section of this handbook for more information on this policy. To be considered a full-time student, the minimum credit threshold during a fall or spring semester is 12 credits. The undergraduate program at Babson is a full-time program, and students seeking to enroll in less than a full-time credit load must seek permission from the College. 

Though required to take a minimum of 128 credits to graduate, students may take up to 154 credits. Students may earn those credits through classes at Babson College or through cross-registration, Babson-approved education abroad, and/or off-campus course work (up to 16 approved credits). The maximum credit total does not count coursework taken prior to enrolling at Babson (including AP/IB and transfer credit). Once students enroll at Babson (signified by the submission of an enrollment deposit), students must take all courses at Babson or through a Babson-approved program or approved off-campus course work. 

Students may transfer a maximum of 64 credits toward their Babson degree. While enrolled at Babson, transfer students may take as many credits as are needed to complete the requirements of the Babson curriculum. Incoming transfer students may elect to enroll in classes at Babson during the summer or winter session immediately preceding their initial semester. Credits and grades for courses taken in a Babson summer or winter session will count toward degree requirements and in the calculation of a student’s grade point average. A student’s matriculation date will not change regardless of enrollment in summer or winter session courses. 

Students have full responsibility for knowing and understanding all degree requirements and enrolling in the correct classes in order to progress through the curriculum. Students can find a list of curriculum and degree requirements on the Academic Progress tab in the Academics section of their profile in Workday. 

Any interruption in a student’s tenure may result in limited availability of required courses or in those courses no longer being offered. If Babson no longer offers a required course, the College will make reasonable accommodations to provide a substitution. Reasonable accommodations may include course substitution, independent study opportunities, and/or permission to take the course off-campus for credit at the student’s expense. Any students who experience a voluntary or involuntary interruption in their tenure at Babson should make immediate contact with their Student Success Advisor to ensure proper planning. 

Students have three years from the originally expected graduation date to complete their Babson degree (typically, a total of 7 years from matriculation to graduation). Exceptions to this time frame must be approved by the Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Undergraduate School, or his/her designee, and are typically granted only for compelling circumstances or situations outside of the student’s control. 

Degree Time Limit 

Students have three years from the originally expected graduation date to complete their Babson degree (typically, a total of 7 years from matriculation to graduation). Exceptions to this time frame must be approved by the Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Undergraduate School, or his/her designee, and are typically granted only for compelling circumstances or situations outside of the student’s control. 

Latin Honors

Graduation Honors are awarded to students who have achieved distinction in their undergraduate work as evidenced by their final cumulative Babson College GPA. Cumulative grade point average is calculated upon completion of all degree requirements. 22 

Honor requirements: 

Cum laude3.30 to 3.49 cumulative grade point average
Magna cum laude3.50 to 3.74 cumulative grade point average
Summa cum laude3.75 to 4.0 cumulative grade point average 

Students who successfully complete the Honors Program will have that designation noted on their diploma. The Honors Program designation is separate from any graduation honors a student may earn. To be eligible to be the valedictorian, students must have at least 80 credits of graded courses at Babson. 


Walker Policy

Probable August graduates may participate in the preceding May Commencement ceremony as a walker. At the  Commencement ceremony, walkers will wear the full academic regalia, sit with all graduates, have their name  announced, have their name printed in the Commencement program with the appropriate notations (honors  will not be listed), and receive an empty diploma case on stage. In order to participate, a student must: 

  1. Register for and plan to complete all remaining degree requirements over the summer term. Students  must be within 16 credits of the completion of their degree in order to participate in Commencement.  Students must register for their remaining degree requirements by April 15th.
  2. Be academically eligible, based on current cumulative grade point average, and eligible in all  other respects for graduation. 
  3. Complete an Application for Degree via the Student Hub. 
  4. Ensure that your Expected Completion date listed on your academic profile is August. If it is not listed  as August, please inform your Student Success Advisor by April 15th. Any student who joins the  August conferral list after this date will not have their name read in the ceremony or be included in the  Commencement program. 
  5. Complete the Commencement Clearance Process (CCP). You will not have access to the CCP until you  have discussed your intent to be an August graduate with your Student Success Advisor. The CCP  link will open approximately two weeks before Commencement and is found on the Student Hub.  Please visit the Commencement webpage for more information about the CCP. 
  6. Update or verify their current mailing address on file in Workday. Please do not enter a Babson  College address.