Global Advisory Board

The Global Advisory Board (GAB) focuses on one of the College’s top priorities—extending Babson’s global reach.

The GAB takes Babson to the world and the world to Babson. Board members serve as ambassadors for the College represent Babson in their countries and communities counsel the President, Trustees, and the Babson Community by providing a global perspective assist students on professional matters and provide meaningful philanthropic support.


Cyril C. Camus ’91, P’26


Steven I. Bandel P’16

David J. Barber ’81, P’16 ’17

Eduardo Barco ’83, P’18’20

Brian M. Barefoot ’66, MP’01, ​H’09

Selin Kibar Bayar ’90

Bettina Beckhoff de Longinotti-Buitoni P’11 ’14 ’19

Ettore Biagioni ’80

Juan José Borja P’20 ’24 

William “Greg” Burrill P’04 ’04 ’06, MP’11 ’11

Lupo M. del Bono ’79, P’09

Francisco Diego ’84, P’24

Maria Alexandra Pereda Ehrlich ’15

Soha Ehsani ’09

Sunil Goyal P’13 ’16 ’19

Muhammad H. Habib ’81, P’09

Kerry Murphy Healey

Heidi Henriquez P’18 ’23

Carlos Herrera ’92

Bruce T. Herring '87, MP'19

Finna Susilo Huang ’96, P’24

James J.K. Hung MBA’71, P’99 ’01

Vivek Jain MBA’83 P’07

Dr. Jean-Pierre Jeannet

Deepak Jethwani P’20

Raymond Kassin ’84, P’21

Fred S.C. Kiang ’70, MBA’75, H’19

Gudmundur Kjaernested ’91, P’26

Carmella R. Kletjian

Pierre Halimi Lacharlotte P’21’24

Dinesh “Dino” Lalvani ’95

Pimjai Leeissaranukul P’13

Umer Mansha ’95

Richard A. Maser, Jr ’89

Edgar Monserratt P’22

Andres Posada ’09

Elizabeth P. Powell MBA’76, MP’01

Ingrid Prasatya P’19 MP’19’20

Eric Regout ’72

Christina “Chrissy” Sayare MBA’96

Juan Carlos Serrano P’18 ’18 ’21

Chockchai Sethiwan P’18

Jonathan D. Sieff P’18

Richard J. Snyder, Esq. ’60, P’93, MP’01, H’94

Vaibhav Vohra ’08

Scott Voss MBA’99

Founder Emeritus

Dr. Jean-Pierre Jeannet