OIM3690: Web Technologies

Credits 4.00

OIM3690 Web Technologies

4 Advanced Liberal Arts Elective Credits

OIM3690 introduces students to web site development.  Students will learn general design and programming skills that are needed for web site development.  Students will explore languages and tools of the world wide web (WWW), including the hyper-text markup (HTML), cascading style sheet (CSS), and JavaScript languages.  Some related design concepts are also discussed, in addition to aspects concerning design methodology and project management. As part of the course requirements, each student will publish a website to a hosting service, which charges a hosting service and domain registration fee of $30-40. (Students will be responsible to pay this fee separate from the tuition charges during the term.)” The various tools may include FrontPage, text editors, and graphics design editors.  This course emphasizes hands-on computer skill development in a computer lab setting.

Prerequisites: SME2012 or OIM2000

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