Campus Life


From traditional residence halls to suite-style accommodations, the undergraduate housing options at Babson range in layout, but all offer a safe, comfortable, supportive, and engaging community ready to help fuel your personal growth and academic success.


From sit-down meals to grab-and-go options, dining at Babson is about ensuring you get food that tastes good, is good for you, and works with your schedule.  Dining facilities include:

  • Trim Dining Hall
  • Reynolds Campus Center
  • Roger’s Pub & Grille
  • Centennial Café
  • Olin Café

Student Spaces

Reynolds Campus Center: The Donald W. Reynolds Campus Center is home to the Campus Store, Sustainability Office, Student Government Association (SGA), and Campus Activities Board (CAB) offices, mail services, Crossroads Cafe, ATMs, and dining options.

The Weissman Foundry: A space for Babson, F.W. Olin College of Engineering, and Wellesley College students to create and collaborate, the Foundry is home to a woodshop, digital fabrication studio, printing studio, and a textile and electronics studio. This is where you can prototype a product or use studio space or the social kitchen to collaborate on your next big idea. You also can attend workshops to learn new skills.

Horn Library & Babson Commons: More than just a study space, Babson Commons at Horn Library has collaborative work spaces, information gathering areas, and a cafe for refueling. The entire third floor of the library is reserved for quiet study.

Len Green Recreation and Athletics Complex:  Open 94+ hours per week during the academic year, the Len Green Recreation and Athletics Complex houses the Lunder Fitness Center with cardiovascular machines and free weights, a 200-meter indoor track, and squash and racquetball courts. Plus, as a student, you have free access to exercise, dance, and martial arts classes and more. It is also is home to Staake Gymnasium with two full basketball courts, Morse Swimming Center with a six-lane, 25-yard pool (with free swim hours!), and PepsiCo Pavilion with four basketball hoops, retractable batting cage, and inserts for tennis nets. However you want to work out, you’ll find what you need to do it.

Kerry Murphy Healey Park: There are a lot of hidden gems on the Babson campus but arguably none as fascinating as the giant Babson World Globe. At 28-feet wide, the rotating earth is surrounded by 100 flags representing the countries of Babson students.

Policies and Procedures

The safety of the students, community members, and property is the utmost importance to the College. Students are encouraged to play an active role in fire prevention and security in their buildings. Violations of safety policies are considered serious and students should take extreme care to comply by all fire safety and security-related policies. Students should never prop open exterior doors, allow access to persons not familiar to them, share their OneCard, pull or force a door open and/or damage/tamper with any fire and life safety equipment.

Residence Hall Expectations

Babson OneCard and Room Key Policies

Each resident is issued a key to their room and a key to their suite (where applicable), and a Babson OneCard,  which serves as the key to the exterior residence hall doors. Students are expected and required to pick up their  room key at designated check-in location. Failure to pick up their key within 24 hours of check-in may result in  referral to the student conduct process. 

All residential students have access to the residence halls Monday to Sunday, noon to 9pm. After these hours,  students visiting friends in other residence halls will be expected to work with their friend (host) to let them in  and escort them through the building. Remember, in addition to all of its current functions, the OneCard is the  key to your residence hall, so it should be in your possession at all times. Keys and OneCards can be possessed  only by the person to whom the key/card was issued. Students should at no time give their keys or OneCard to  anyone, nor should they be in possession of an ID or key that was not expressly issued to them by the College.  The following guidelines concerning room keys are in place: 

  1. Lockout services are provided by Public Safety. Call 781-239-5555 if you are locked out of your room.  Your Babson OneCard must be presented to the responding staff member before they open the door to  your room or immediately thereafter if your OneCard is locked in your room. There is a charge for a  lockout service. For the first lockout of a semester, the charge will be waived. The second lockout of  the semester will be charged $25. The third lockout of the semester will be charged $50. The fourth  lockout of the semester will be charged $75. Any lockouts beyond the fourth will be charged $100.  Lockout charges cannot be appealed. If it is determined by Residence Life and/or Public Safety that a  student(s) is abusing the lockout service (i.e. excessive number of lockout calls during a specified  period of time), the student may be responsible through the student conduct process. Please note that  if both the caller and their roommate(s) are locked out at the same time each student present will be  billed for the lockout. 
  2. Whenever a key is lost, report it as soon as possible to Facilities via the work order system. Keys for the  same lock will not be issued; a new lock core will be installed and new keys will be issued. The cost for  a lock change is $100. If the original key is found after the lock change is processed, the student will  still be responsible for the lock charge and should return the old key to the lock shop. 
  3. Keys will be given only to students who show proper identification and are officially assigned to the  room by Residence Life. The same policy applies for lockout services. 
  4. Only Facilities is allowed to duplicate a key. Possession of an unauthorized key duplicate will subject  individual students to a fine of not less than $100 and/or other disciplinary action. These penalties  do not discharge or preclude the imposition of civil liability or criminal sanctions. 

Drug Policy (medical marijuana) 

In accordance with Babson’s Drug Policy (outlined by Community Standards), each student who resides on the  Babson campus is responsible for the contents of their room/suite and the actions of those present in the room  or suite. The use, possession, sale, or distribution of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited and  could result in removal from housing, separation from the College, other sanctions as deemed appropriate, and  referral for criminal prosecution. Please note that while the use of marijuana has been legalized in  

Massachusetts for those 21 years of age and older, it is nonetheless a violation of Babson College policy to be in  possession of any amount of marijuana. In addition, the possession, use, or distribution of prescription drugs  by a student for whom the medication was not prescribed is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. Finally, although Massachusetts state law permits the use of medical marijuana for certain medical conditions,  the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including  the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the use and/or possession of marijuana continues to be  prohibited by Babson College. Thus, use and/or possession of marijuana, even for medical use, is considered to  be a violation of Babson College policy. 

Students who obtain a registration card from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for medical  marijuana use should contact the Associate Vice President for Student Success for more information  regarding College policies and resources. To request a medical housing accommodation for a documented  disability, students should contact the Director of Accessibility Services. 


Students can bring televisions for their residence hall room and/or suite common room. However, televisions  may not be mounted to room or suite walls. 

Housing Eligibility

All first-year students (freshmen) entering Babson are guaranteed housing if they meet all stated deadlines. 

Note: Students who fail to occupy their assigned room by 5 pm on the first day of classes and who  have not notified Residence Life of their intended late arrival may be reassigned or have their  residence hall license canceled at the discretion of Residence Life . 

Insurance (Students’ Personal/Auto) 

The College assumes no responsibility for items lost, damaged, or stolen from students at any time, including  students’ cars. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain adequate insurance coverage for personal belongings  and automobile insurance. Students may elect to purchase insurance coverage for their personal belongings  through their parents’ homeowner’s policy. It is strongly recommended that students carry appropriate  insurance to cover all of their personal property. The College assumes no responsibility for damage to  student property due to fire, theft, water, vandalism, or other damages that occur in the  student’s room or elsewhere on campus. At the end of the College year, residents must remove all  personal possessions from their assigned room/building. This includes personal furniture, carpets, pictures,  decorations, articles of clothing, and equipment. Anything found in a vacated room or public area is considered  discarded, and the College is not responsible for personal effects left in rooms, hallways, lounges, laundry  rooms, etc. 

Meal Plans

In accordance with the Undergraduate Housing License and Meal Plan Agreement, except as specifically  outlined below, a meal plan is required for all undergraduate students who live in a residence hall. Returning  students have the option to select a meal plan exempt residence on campus during the room selection process, if  available. Meal plan exempt residences on campus include Woodland Hill 1, Woodland Hill 2, Woodland Hill 2a, Woodland Hill 5, Woodland Hill 6, Woodland Hill 9, Woodland Hill 10, and select rooms in Bryant (107,  108, 109, 208, 209, 210). There are no other exceptions to this policy. 


Facilities Management and Planning maintains all buildings and grounds. Student requests for repairs must  be made to Facilities via the Babson Hub. Go to Forms, Work Orders, Facilities Maintenance Request (Work  Order), and follow the instructions. Please provide as much information as possible, building, room number,  etc. Facilities trade employees work Monday to Friday, from 7am to 11 pm. During regular business hours (7  

AM-5 PM), emergency calls to Facilities should be made by calling x4444. Off-hours emergency work order  requests should be reported immediately to the Office of Public Safety at x5555. 

Room Changes

Students may not change residence hall rooms without prior written authorization from Residence Life .  Students who make an unauthorized room change will face disciplinary action and/or a $100 fine. The first step  is to speak with your Area Coordinator . There is a room change process that must be followed prior to a room  change taking place, and the Area Coordinator will work with students on those procedures. A room freeze is in  effect for the first two weeks of each semester. Those who request and are approved for a room change at the  end of the first semester must complete all procedures, including moving possessions, before they leave for  break. 


At any point Residence Life may enter a period of consolidation of students to ensure consistent and fair  housing utilization. It is not always an option for a student to stay in his or her original room; rather, a  consolidated student may be re-assigned or required to relocate. 

Occupancy Restrictions

Only those students who have a current housing contract are permitted to reside in College housing. If anyone  is found in College housing illegally, they, along with the resident(s) who have permitted them to stay in their  room/suite/apartment will be subject to conduct proceedings up to and including fines, removal from housing,  and payment of the full cost of the space. 

Room Decorating

Students are not permitted to wallpaper or paint their rooms. Hanging pictures and posters is permitted, but  students are liable for damage from nails, hooks, and/or adhesive. 

Residence Hall Cleaning

The College provides a clean and comfortable living environment. As members of the Babson community,  students are expected to treat all College property and the property of other parties with respect. Housekeeping  services are provided for public areas, but residents maintain individual rooms and suites. 

Residents living in Pietz, McCullough, Keith, Canfield, and Mandell Family Hall will have their suite bathroom  cleaned once a week at a designated date and time, as posted outside of the suite bathroom door. Residents will  be responsible for preparing the bathroom and hallway to be cleaned. Residents are responsible for the cleaning  and maintaining their common living room. Facilities does not regularly clean kitchens in these suites. Twice  per year, summer and winter break, Facilities will deep clean the suite kitchens. Residents should prepare these  areas for cleaning before breaks. A checklist is located outside the suite bathroom door informing residents of  what they should do each week prior to Facilities staff coming in to clean (i.e. make sure items are off the floor,  take items off the shower, etc.). Residents who do not prepare the bathroom will not have it cleaned that week  and may be fined for additional cleaning if needed. In addition, bathrooms will be cleaned by Facilities at the beginning of the semester, during winter break, and at the end of the academic year. Facilities reserves the right  to inspect all bathrooms. If bathroom conditions are found to be unacceptable, Facilities will clean them and bill  the occupants. The cost of extra cleaning will be $250-$500 depending on conditions (divided among all  residents). 

Residents of Bryant studios, Woodland Hill 1, Woodland Hill 2, Woodland Hill 2A, Woodland Hill 6, Woodland  Hill 9, Woodland Hill 10 and Woodside will be responsible for the cleaning of their bathroom spaces. Cleaning  materials, and environmentally friendly chemicals will be available through the RA. Paper Products are not  supplied in these spaces. 

Trash and Recycling

Students are responsible for managing their own trash and recycling. This includes properly sorting trash and  recycling and regularly removing trash and recycling from their residence hall room to a designated trash and  recycling room or area. Trash and recyclables must be placed in the larger bins located in these areas. Items may  not be stored in these areas; all items in the trash rooms or designated trash areas will be disposed of by  Facilities. 

Students are expected to participate in the College’s ongoing sustainability efforts. This includes utilizing  Babson’s extensive recycling program. Blue or green mixed recycling containers are provided in each residence  hall room. In addition to mixed recycling, the College separately recycles clothing, furniture, books, batteries,  electronics, and other items. Contact the Sustainability Office or Facilities Management and Planning for more  information. 

Room Occupancy - Arrival and Departure

Residence halls open and close on the dates posted on the academic calendar. Students are not permitted to  arrive early. Students are expected to pick up their room key at identified check-in date and location. Students  are expected to vacate their rooms by the scheduled date and time, and leave them in clean condition, with  debris placed in proper receptacles. When making travel arrangements for the end of the semester, remember  that rooms must be vacated 24 hours following a student’s last final exam, or by the posted closing time,  whichever comes first. It is each student’s responsibility to find alternative housing for the times the residence  halls are closed. Students must check out with a Resident Assistant and follow all communicated  closing/checkout procedures. 

Failure to complete a proper checkout with a staff member will result in a $200 improper checkout fine and a $100 charge for a lock change. In addition, the student is responsible for the costs of removing belongings left in  rooms, hallways and lounges. All such charges will be added to the student’s account. If a student chooses to  complete an express check out they waive their rights to contest to any room charges. 

Room Selection for the Following Year 

Housing Selection is conducted each spring semester to determine assignments for the following academic year. 

At the beginning of the second semester, you will be notified about the room selection process. Students who want  to live on campus the following year must complete and submit the Returning Student Housing Application by  the stated deadline to be eligible to select a room. Missing any selection-related deadline will result in your ability  to request to be on the housing waitlist. 


There is no storage space on campus for personal student belongings or College provided furniture. The College  assumes no liability for personal student belongings and students must take all personal property with them  when moving out of the residence hall. Items left in public spaces (Lounges, hallways, stairwells, etc.) will be  considered abandoned by students and will be disposed of. There is no storage on campus for special interest housing groups. 

Vandalism and Damage Policy

All buildings/rooms/apartments/suites will be inspected by Facilities Management and Planning prior to a  student's arrival. Students will only be allowed to check into rooms/suites deemed by Facilities Management  and Planning to be in move-in condition and with all College furniture present. Within 72 hours of your arrival,  residents have the obligation to conduct a thorough room/suite inspection and report any concerns (condition  of the room/suite, furniture, maintenance needs, repairs needed) to Facilities Management and Planning via  the Work Order System. Additionally, submitting a Work Order within 72 hours of your move-in date makes  you eligible for the damage appeals process at the conclusion of your stay. If a Work Order is not submitted, it is  understood that the room was in move-in condition upon your arrival and all furniture was present. The  condition of rooms and suites is the residents’ collective responsibility. 

All rooms/apartments/suites will again be inspected after your departure. Any damages found in the room,  intentional or accidental, beyond normal wear and tear and/or missing furniture or trash and recycle bins, will  be the responsibility of the resident/suitemates along with the corresponding damage charges. 

Public areas/common rooms (halls, stairways, lounges, laundry rooms, lobbies, bathrooms, kitchens, etc.) are  the collective responsibility of residents of that hall, floor, room, or suite. Babson College makes every attempt  to attribute damage and vandalism charges to the individual(s) responsible, but when those responsible cannot  be found, all members of a suite, room, floor or building may be charged equally for damages. It is our hope  that affected residents will cooperate to ensure that those responsible are held accountable.