
Economics Concentration

The concentration in Economics is comprised of four courses beyond the foundation micro/macro sequence. Students planning to concentrate in Economics, or include Economics as part of a double concentration, should complete Microeconomics and Macroeconomics during sophomore year to be eligible to take advanced economics electives.

Students concentrating in Economics will choose either ECN 3615 (Money, Banking and the Economy) or ECN 3655 (Managerial Economics) as the foundation for the concentration, and then select three more economics electives based on personal or career interests.

If you plan to study abroad: Please note that only two courses taken abroad may be used to satisfy a Babson Economics Concentration and must have a Babson equivalent course code as listed below or ECN 565%. These courses must be approved through the Glavin Office of International and Multicultural Programs in advance. All other economics courses must be taken at Babson. 

Sponsored by: Economics Division

Faculty Contact: Megan Way