EPS1220: Entrepreneurial Leadership Field Studies

Academic Unit
Credits 4.00

EPS1220 Entrepreneurial Leadership Field Studies 
4 Free Elective Credits 

This course is designed specifically for Arthur M. Blank School of Entrepreneurial Leadership Scholars (AMBSEL Scholars) and for other Scholars (e.g., Weisman, Presidential, Posse, etc.) by instructor consent.

Entrepreneurial leadership theories and frameworks, considered to be distinct from other forms of leadership, are still at the nascent stage of development. Babson Professor Scott Taylor and his colleagues are currently developing an entrepreneurial leadership model that includes the following constructs: “leader internal clarity”, “leader opportunity seeking behavior”, “leader outward focus”, “follower motivation effect”, and “recognizing and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities”. Each of these constructs will be explored by students through discussions of assigned readings and qualitative research in the form of entrepreneur interviews and a case research project which includes a written case and teaching note. Students will develop qualitative research skills (e.g., interview techniques) through in class lectures and asynchronous videos that have already been produced by Professor Shay. The learning-focused activities and assignments, especially the field-based entrepreneur interview and case research project, are designed to enhance student (and the field’s) understanding of the unique nature of entrepreneurial leadership and to develop the student’s own entrepreneurial leadership skills. Student course deliverables (entrepreneur interview and case study) will provide insights to advance our understanding of entrepreneurial leadership as well as teaching materials for classroom use. The entrepreneur interviews and case studies will be submitted for inclusion in Babson’s case resources and possibly for publication in peer-reviewed journals such as Case Research Journal. 

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