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SEN1340: Skill-Driven Portfolio Building

Academic Unit
Credits 0.00

SEN1340 Skill-Driven Portfolio Building

(Student Instructor: Maria Herwagen) Searching for jobs is difficult enough as it is, let alone trying to stand out among a sea of other applicants. Set yourself apart from wordy cover letters and organized resumes by including a portfolio! Whether you're looking for jobs or internships in Marketing, Tech, Data, Arts, or another field, a portfolio will help you showcase your skills to potential employers. In this course, we will cover the basics of portfolio ideation and building, including reader experience, curation, visual structure, and more. Students will devise their own digital portfolios using existing materials as well as come up with ideas for additional content. The class is designed to help students walk out with a usable portfolio. Note: this class will NOT cover financial stock portfolios.

Tuesdays 6:30 - 9:00 pm

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