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OIM3578: Integrated Product Design

Credits 4.00

OIM3578 Integrated Product Design 
4 Advanced Management Credits

You will work with industrial design students from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (in Boston) and engineering students from Olin College of Engineering to develop new products through projects that are student-generated. Students learn first-hand about the techniques and contributions different disciplines bring to product design and practice collaboration common in professional design settings. This course provides valuable multidisciplinary preparation for students interested to work in innovation projects in established firms or develop and launch their own consumer products. Class will be held once a week and rotate between all three campuses.

Interested Wellesley students should cross-register in this course at Olin under ENGR3250.

Prerequisites: (SME2001 and SME2002) and EPS4515 or EPS4527 or DES3600

Students must have completed ONE (1) of the following courses. 

Students who have completed a course from Olin College, from the prerequisite course list, must contact the Registrar for a Pre-Requisite Waiver.  

ENGR 2250 (Olin College) User-oriented Collaborative Design 
ENGR 1200 (Olin College) Design Nature 
ENGR 2199 (Olin College) Engineering for Humanity 
ENGR 3220 (Olin College) Human Factors and Interface Design

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