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SOC4615: Childhood and Youth

Credits 4.00

SOC4615 Childhood and Youth
4 Advanced Liberal Arts Credits

This course exercises the sociological imagination in understanding how children are molded by social institutions and interactions, as well as the manner in which children utilize agency to react to, change, and reproduce their own social realities. By examining childhood, students will gain an understanding of how inequalities and opportunities are pervasive shapers of children's realities and adulthood outcomes, from both interpersonal and structural levels. Through in-class discussions and writing assignments, students will explore and critique theories of childhood. Reflecting on the perspectives of children as socialized beings and as social actors, we will analyze the intersecting roles of the family, culture, education, authority, gender, race, social class, and ideology in shaping childhood.

Prerequisites: Any combination of 2 ILA (HSS, LTA, CSP, LVA, CVA)

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