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IMH2511: Honors Seminar

Academic Unit
Credits 1.00

IMH2511 Honors Seminar I

This section of the Honors Seminar will meet every other week beginning on 1/25

The first semester of the Honors Seminar is designed to accomplish three complementary goals. The seminar provides an opportunity for sophomore honors students to continue to build their community by meeting every other week to discuss an important issue from the perspectives of a number of different disciplines. These discussions will be led by various members of the Babson faculty and will include reference to some preliminary research done by students prior to the class. Secondly, the seminar will expose students to a wide variety of research methodologies and protocols in the contexts of these important issues, so students may become familiar with the processes they will undertake in completing their Honors Projects in their junior and senior years. Thirdly, students will meet a number of different members of the Babson faculty who may serve as important resources in future semesters.

The Honors Seminar is a requirement for all students in the Honors Program, will be graded, and carries one credit for the semester. A second Honors Seminar semester must be taken in either the fall or spring of the student's junior year.

Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Honors Program

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