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HSS2018: Intro to Sociology

Credits 4.00

HSS2418 Introduction to Sociology
4 Intermediate Liberal Arts Credits

Sociology explains human behavior in terms of group activities. The solidarity of a social group allows group members to work cooperatively towards common goals. But the dark side of group solidarity is that it often leads members to feel hostility towards individuals who are not a part of the group and for non-members to experience feelings of resentment towards the group and its members. How is solidarity achieved? How is the formation of social identity affected by group solidarity? How do groups competing for scarce resources construct a view of their group's needs, hopes, and desires? Where are group members and nonmembers situated in this view of social life? This course examines the relationship between group solidarity, resource scarcity, and the formation of social identity in everyday life.

Prerequisites: (FCI1000 or AHS1000) and (WRT1001or RHT1000)

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