SEN1302: Sports Decisions Through Analytics

Academic Unit
Credits 0.00

SEN1302 Sports Decisions Through Analytics

(Senior Instructor: Ryan Duff) Course Description: With the new prominence of sports analytics (i.e. Moneyball, Numbers Never Lie (ESPN), and Accuscore), sports have become much more than just winning and losing. Statistical analysis can predict whether a team will become a dominant force, as well as a profitable franchise. In this hands-on course we will explore and practice sports analytics through statistical programs and techniques that analyze player and team stats in order to determine the keys to building a cohesive team. We will also learn how team owners are able to make strategic decisions using key statistical analyses. Students do not need advanced math or statistical coursework or knowledge to enroll in this course.

Course Schedule: Fridays: January 31, February 7, February 14, February 21, February 28 and March 7 (Showcase of all Senior-Led Seminars)

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