MFE3534: Mgmt Consulting Field Experience

Academic Unit
Credits 4.00

MFE3534 Management Consulting Field Experience
4 General Credits

The Management Consulting Field Experience (MCFE) course provides an excellent opportunity for students to apply principles that they learn in the classroom to real-world consulting projects. The students gain practical experience by solving actual business situations. Students also develop key skills in negotiation, group dynamics, organization, and planning. Previous projects include financial advisory, corporate finance, investment management, marketing, data analytics, and business strategy. Teams of four to six undergraduate students work as a consulting group for a sponsor company. The students meet with the managers of the company, analyze the problem, and explore possible solutions. The project concludes with a formal report and a presentation to the sponsor company comprising the group's recommendations.

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Prerequisites: ACC 1000, FIN 2000 and MKT 2000 and a minimum GPA of 2.7 and Permission of Experiential Learning Programs Associate Director

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